"Pupils feel safe in school. They are kind and thoughtful to each other because the school's values expect this of them"
Ofsted March 2019


Admission Policies consultation - 2026-2027 intake

We are currently undertaking a consultation period on amendments to some of our Primary School admissions policy.  The main changes relate to the inclusion of children of school staff within the policy.  Please click on the links below to view the relevant policies.  

St Anthony's and St Ethelbert's Catholic Primary Schools, Slough 

Children of School Staff has been included as part of how each application is managed within each oversubscription criteria.  

STCAT Slough Primary Schools Admission Policy 2026-2027

Sacred Heart Primary School, Luton

Some of the oversubscription criteria has been moved to the section in how each oversubscription is allocated.  Two new criteria have also been added.   

STCAT Luton and CB Schools Admission Policy 2026-2027

St Mary's, St Vincent's, St Margaret of Scotland and St Martin De Porres Catholic Primary Schools, Luton and Central Beds

Children of school staff has been added as an oversubscription criteria.  

STCAT Luton and CB Schools Admission Policy 2026-2027

Consultation dates: 18 November 2024 to 31 December 2024.

Any comments should be sent to consultation@stcat.co.uk.