"Pupils feel safe in school. They are kind and thoughtful to each other because the school's values expect this of them"
Ofsted March 2019

Healthy School

School Dinners

School Lunches are provided by Harrison's. Menus are updated regularly and children are able to choose their lunch option when they are registered in the morning. 

Year 3 to 6 pupils are charged for lunches and payment is made through their Parent Pay account. Please contact the school office if you do not already have an account activated and a new one will be issued to you. Lunches are capped and parents are notified if the outstanding balance on the pupils account is above £30. 

Menu for January to February 2025

Packed lunches and snacks

St Ethelbert’s is committed to promoting a healthy lifestyle for its pupils. Those children bringing packed lunch to school are encouraged to include from all the main food groups – protein, carbohydrates, fruit and vegetables – and to bring few sugary or salty items such as biscuits and crisps. No fizzy drinks, sweets or chocolate bars should be included in lunchboxes.

Children may bring a snack for breaktime, this could be a a piece of fruit or a plain cereal bar. No items containing nuts should be brought to school as we have a number of pupils with nut allergies.

Ideas for a Packed Lunch

We are a NUT FREE school

Physical activity

All pupils do two hours of PE per week. Additional clubs are offered at lunchtime and after school, and the school buys into the Slough Schools Sports Network for coaching and access to tournaments and competitions. Some of the after-school clubs incur an additional cost.

In addition, all members of the school community participate in the ‘Daily Mile’ a fitness initiative that involves everyone walking, jogging or running a mile every day. The health benefits of regular exercise have been proven and St Ethelbert’s is determined to have make exercise part of the daily routine for all it pupils.









Reviewed September 2024