The School Day
Arriving at school
- School starts at 8:50am for all pupils. The school gates open at 8:30am for pupils and parents to gather in the school playground to ensure prompt registration and the start of lessons.
- The playground is supervised by members of staff from 8:30am, however we do not recommend that young pupils (in Year 3 and below) are left unsupervised during this time.
- A whistle is blown at 8:50am and this is a signal that all pupils should line up in their classes ready to enter the school building. Class teachers will collect their class from the playground and lead them into the building. Once the whistle has been blown and pupils line up, we ask that parents step back from the line to help the pupils enter the building safely.
- Children who arrive after 8:50am should go straight to the school office. We expect all children to be punctual and arrive on time as this ensures they are ready to begin learning at the start of the school day. If for any reason a child is unavoidably late then please notify the school office.
- Please be aware that any child who arrives after 9:00am when registration closes may be marked as having an “unauthorised absence” unless there is an authorised reason given.
At the end of the school day
- School finishes at 3.20pm for all pupils from Reception through to year 6. Children are dismissed from their classrooms, or from doors from the Key Stage 2 building (Years 4 and 5).
- For safeguarding reasons, class teachers will only dismiss children to their parents/carers unless we have been informed of alternative arrangements that parents may have made (e.g. with child minders, other family members or friends). Please ensure you inform the school of these arrangements.
- Children who are not collected by 3.30pm will be taken to the school office. Please try to pick your child up punctually as it can be distressing for the child if a parent is late. However we do understand that there may be the odd occasion when you are unavoidably late. Please contact the school office as soon as possible so we can get a message to your child’s teacher.
A total of 32.5 hours are spent at school a week.