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E-safety at St Ethelbert’s

At St Ethelbert’s, children use the Internet on a regular basis as part of their learning. Technology enhances learning, and at our school we want to ensure pupils get the most from it, by encouraging responsible online behaviour.

In school, we use a filtering system to prevent children accessing inappropriate sites. We also have regular ‘e-safety’ activities to remind children of the importance of keeping themselves safe online using the SMART Rules framework.

St Ethelbert’s Catholic Primary School and Nursery has a commitment to safeguarding, and the welfare and well-being of children.

We know that children also have access to the Internet when they are out of school.

Here are some tips and useful links to help you to keep your children safe online and to talk to your child about what they are doing online.


Resources for Families

Did you know social media platforms like the below have a minimum age limit of 13 or even older? So our pupils should NOT be using them. 

Facebook / Instagram / Snapchat / WhatsApp / TikTok


Net Aware

www.net-aware.org.uk from the NSPCC and O2 has lots of clear information generated by parents and children about safety ratings from social media, games and aps. (from Apex Legends to Zoom). As well as an overall safety and minimum age rating, it It rates 4 areas and how to use their safety features.

  • Safety Features,
  • Privacy & Location,
  • Ease of Reporting & Blocking
  • Content



Useful resources

We use some of these E-Safety videos in school so why not watch them at home with your children.

Lee and Kim  (Y2 )     

Hector’s world (Y3) 

Lee and Kim and Hector will help children aged 5-7 to use the Internet safely.

Other resources:

Cybercafe – KS2 children can use the Cybercafe to explore different forms of technology safely.

BBC Stay Safe – The BBC have set up this great site to help you to stay safe online. There are videos, games and interactive activities to try!

Parent Info   Parent Info is a newsfeed from CEOP and Parent Zone with expert information on how parents can help children stay safe online.

NSPCC  Helpful information and advice.

Parents Guide to technology  Information form the UK Safer Internet Centre.

Thinkunow   Thinkuknow is an education programme from the National Crime Agency’s CEOP Command. CEOP is part of the National Crime Agency and works to pursue and prosecute child sex offenders.

Has something happened online that has made you feel worried or unsafe?

Click the button below to make a report to one of CEOP’s Child Protection Advisors
